Why should I care about this?
  • Our team supports independent local, investigative, and publically funded journalism
  • We hand-curate your feed with what we find to be interesting and important, coming from years in the research and EdTech spaces
  • Our media and market content can be sorted by culturally relevant thematic categories, which are carefully crafted by our editorial research team
  • We have designed a refreshing, alternative media experience by not using algorithms or optimization to curate. Everything you see was entered by a human
Do you sell or share personal data?

Absolutely not. Our policy and practice is to never share or sell personal information. Check out our legal.

Why is it different from other news aggregators?

We are so much more than just a “news app”. Tap to follow 👉🏼 demcon_app account. Our daily hand-curated news and video feeds are only one feature out of many… 

  1. As we curate these full-stack feeds, our curation team takes media content and repackages it into bite-size info snippets, making content more digestible. No AI / Algorithms
  2. The app features political profiles, facts, quotes, history points, and definitions alongside news articles/videos; this creates a new kind of hand-held media experience that makes you want to come back for more. Never stop learning đź“š
  3. Check out the Our Media Sources section of our site to browse the type of sources we have collected over the years leading up to our app launch & Our Market to find interesting books alongside independent, USA-made, category-sorted products.

In summary: We live in a digital age where algorithms control a lot of aspects of our daily lives; they decide how we consume our media, what information and ads pop up, and what products we are urged to buy to support big corporations. Here at DemCon, however, our approach is more of a personal, hands-on, local, and customized experience – give it a try, it’s free.



Is the app free?

That it is. We rely heavily on donations and purchases from our trusted users. Our market functions as our biggest revenue stream, so please check it out to support us.

How much space will the app use on my phone?

Not much, as we link to most of our content.

What do the blue, purple and red dots mean?

If you select left-ish you will see news articles and videos from the center out to the left, in your main feed. If you select right-ish you will see content from the center out to the right, in your main feed. If you select both sides, you will see everything.

Our logo includes a purple dot as a suggestion to our users to choose both sides! Don’t worry, most of our content isn’t even political and outside of your main feed all content is fair game.

What is that market all about?

If you like what we are doing and want to support us, head over to the DemCon market. While you are browsing eco-friendly and socially conscious products you can swipe over to check out interesting virtual and local events, or geo-locate generated jobs in your state (upcoming versions will be hyper-localized). The market helps keep us independent!

What are the thematic categories?

The app features thematic categories that provide our users with a 360° view (both sides). Users can sort media by selecting Addiction, Animals & Wildlife, Crime, Democracy, Economy, Education, Environment, Fair Trade, Food & Drink, Homelessness, Immigration, Law, Mental Health, Military, Parenting, Physical Health, Space, Technology, Travel & Recreation, or Veterans. We also have a category called +Feel Good which is dedicated to positive news and uplifting media.

What are the state categories?

1) Clicking on “state” from the top menu will bring you to the (1) state you chose upon logging in, and you will also find a drop-down with profiles for all 50 states. These full-stack state categories do not only contain state news and videos, but also important facts, quotes, historical points, politicians, and jobs relevant to the state. 

2) In the main feed and under Thematics, we added a section at the bottom of your screen where you can choose (1) state to follow. This can be updated in your account settings. 

What is Trending?

We display the most heavily trafficked content in Trending.

What is Editor's Picks?

If we think something is really special, we send it to Editor’s Picks. We sift through content to ignite your curiosity and interest.

Can users make comments within the app?

RASO stands for “Read And Share Only”. There is no social commentary within our app but we have made it very easy to share news stories, facts, definitions, quotes, polls/petitions, political parties and politicians to your messaging system, email, or social media apps. 

What are the polls?

Our polls are, effectively, simple questions posed to our users. They are culturally relevant questions framed with no bias as yes/no/I don’t know questions. As one-click processes, they do not require a separate sign-up procedure and you can change your mind at any time when/if your views change. 

You can find non-scientific polls in our main feed, thematic and state categories, and politician and political party profiles.  In the future, we will embed DemCon Polls into media content (ie. facts and news stories) to invite user participation.Â